Hope and Courage Collective (previously FRO) is a national civil society organisation that works with community groups, advocacy groups, trade unions, activists and academics to stop hate organising in our communities & workplaces.

Our Vision

For everyone who calls this island home to be able to live a joyful and prosperous life no matter who they love, where they come from or what they identify as.

Our mission is to work closely with affected communities, the trade unions movement and civil society and by using our specific knowledge to make sure people have what they need to stop far right groups, who promote and normalise hate and division

In the Press

A collection of press articles about Hope and Courage Collective’s work, as featured in national news.

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Our Partners


A people-powered community of over 350,000 people from every corner of Ireland who take action alongside each other to fight for a better Ireland.


Migrant Rights Centre Ireland

A national organisation working to advance the rights of migrant workers and their families at risk of exploitation, social exclusion and discrimination.



SIPTU provides the expertise, experience and back-up services necessary to assist workers in their dealings with employers, government and industrial relations institutions.


Unite The Union

A democratic and campaigning union, which fights back for employees in the workplace, protects workers’ rights and takes trade unionism out to millions of unorganised workers.



Irish Network Against Racism

A national network of nearly 160 anti-racism civil society organisations that aims to work collectively to highlight and address racism in Ireland through the promotion and monitoring of Irish, EU and global trends and anti-racist initiatives.


Pavee Point

A government-funded non-governmental organisation based in Dublin, Ireland that was formed to improve the human rights of Irish Travellers and to bridge the economic and social inequalities between Travellers and settled people.


National Women’s Council

A representative organisation for women and women’s groups in Ireland. It was originally known as the Council for the Status of Women.


LGBT Ireland

Supporting, Educating and Connecting to enhance LGBT+ lives. We’re here to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people.


BeLonG To

An LGBT youth organisation in Ireland which caters for young people aged between 14–23 years.


Irish Council for Civil Liberties

Working to speak truth to power, even when it is unpopular or difficult. ICCL work to ensure that everyone in Ireland can enjoy all of their rights, all of the time.


Irish Refugee Council

Working for a just, fair and inclusive society for people seeking international protection in Ireland.


Transgender Equality Network Ireland

TENI seeks to improve conditions and advance the rights and equality, and improve the lives of trans people and their families. 

National Youth Council of Ireland

A representative body for voluntary youth organisations in Ireland who use their collective expertise to act on issues that impact on young people.


Community Work Ireland

A national organisation that promotes and supports community work as a means of addressing poverty, social exclusion and inequality.


MASI Ireland

MASI is an independent platform for asylum seekers to join together in unity and purpose.