
  • Section 1: Say what we are for
  • Section 2: Talk about people feeling safe to be their authentic selves
  • Section 3: Fear based narratives
  • Section 4: Myth Busting reinforces our opponents’ frames
  • Section 5: Avoid saying far right and protest
  • Section 6: Creating a ‘bigger we
  • Section 7: Gender as a spectrum
  • Section 8: Repeat, repeat, repeat
  • Section 9: The messenger is important
  • Section 10: Narrative structure matters


A response to the moral panic and manufactured fear against the LGBTQIA+ community.

Attempts to remove books, harass and cause disruption at public libraries, bookshops, drag story hours, has unleashed a new wave of attacks on LGBTIA+ people. The motivation of those orchestrating these attacks is to spread fear, stoke division, cause hurt in order to undermine and limit the freedoms of LGBTIA+ community.

It is also important to underline that the orchestrators behind these attacks, crossover with attacks on people seeking asylum and those with refugee status, Travellers, people of colour, women, disabled people, and with anti mask and anti vaccine mobilisations. 

This document is a brief resource to help respond to, communicate about and engage others on what is happening about library disruptions. It is a work in progres and will grow and expand as we learn more. 

PUBLISHED 06.08.23


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