PUBLISHED 07.09.2023

The following story is by Trans and Intersex Pride.

“On 8th July this year, we saw huge support at our 4th annual Trans & Intersex Pride. Thousands marched to send a clear message of support and solidarity for trans and intersex people. With the increasing influence of the far right, it’s essential that we build a movement that directly challenges transphobia and all forms of oppression. Globally, we’re seeing an ongoing culture war against trans people taking place. From over 550 anti-trans bills being introduced in the US, Hungary stripping away at legal recognition for trans and intersex people to the UK parliament using Section 35 to block Scotland’s Gender Recognition Act Reform.  

In Ireland, we have the horrific state of trans healthcare. While the almost decade-long waiting list is a huge issue, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the problems with the National Gender Service (NGS). The psychiatric model of care treats being trans as both a sexual fetish and mental disorder. We are interrogated  about our porn habits, sex lives and family lives. The NGS has the power to deny trans people Hormone Replacement Therapy for numerous reasons such as being autistic, being on social welfare or speaking out about this disgraceful assessment. 

We’re also seeing the far right continuously attacking library workers for having LGBTQ+ positive books for young adults – forcing FORSA and library workers in Cork to protest against Cork City Council’s refusal to protect workers from violence. 

We marched for demands such as bodily autonomy for all – calling for the end of the barbaric pratice of Intersex Genital Mutilation taking place here and in many countries aboard. We also called for GP-Led Informed Consent Based Trans Healthcare, that empowers trans people to make decisions about our bodies, ourselves. Other demands we raised were around the decriminationalisation  of sex work and solidarity with sex workers in their continuous fight for better rights and working conditions. 

Now is the time for people, no matter gender identity, expression, or sexuality, to get active in the struggle for trans liberation. Trans & Intersex Pride is not only looking for legislative change but rather a complete eradication of this transphobic system! We’re bringing  Pride back to its radical roots of protest – seen in the Stonewall Riots in the US and the protests here against Declan Flynn’s murder in 1983. Our rights were won off the backs of radical mass movements and it’s essential that we continue this fight beyond Pride Month. Our rights aren’t granteed under capitalism and can just as easily be taken away when it suits. . Trans liberation cannot happen while we live in a system driven only for profit and exploitation. What we are fighting for is for a socialist world where trans and intersex lives are accepted, valued  and celebrated.“


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